R.I.P. Takeshi "Sebastian" Morishima
February 05 - April 09
So I did not update the blog about the whole cat foster thing from a while back, it turns out that I was unable to cat Rocco the cat i previously talked about, but I did foster this guy for a month or so, he had been acting very strange the last couple of days and was lifeless and unresponsive yesterday, I had a feeling he would not make it through the night and I was right.
The women who run the program that I fostered him through said that he must have been glad to be able to spend his last weeks with people who cared about him instead of in a cage, so i want to thank anybody who made friends with Takeshi during his short visit to the humble empire house.
I have not decided yet if I am going to foster another one, but I probably will cats are great friends and its hard on my heart for me to think about them being put down or living in the shelter. I would like to foster a dog, but I am not sure if i would be able to take care of both. It was good to know that people were interested in adopting Takeshi, i had 3 calls about people who were thinking of giving him a forever home. One lady was supposed to come and meet him today.

If you are interested or curious about adopting a cat check out the agency's website
here is a link to the available cats
if you can only maybe commit to fostering a cat
check out this blog
Labels: cat, dead, foster, takeshi morishima
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