More Shirts on the Way!!!
On my way home through what is definitly going to be the worst part of the city during this garbage garbage strike (chinatown, and yes, i meant to put garbage twice). I decided to stop by our supplier and see what he had for us.
I walked away with 30 shirts, with some tank tops mixed inside there. Shirt making will commence immediately, stay tuned for some new designs, I hope they come out nice.
Until then, please let us know any ideas if you think of anything. Just stop me in the street and be like "Make this..." 9 times out of 9 Ill make it for you.
Buy Our Shirts in Windsor

Great News! all of our shirts left over from the successful "100 h.e. shirt party" are now all available at Hometown Skateshop * The Skate Deli in Windsor, Ontario.
So get your butt down there before your favourite one is taken!!! remember no two are alike, so what you see is what you get! if you want something else that you dont see at the store, send us an email! or fill out a shirt order!!!
h.e. will be in windsor

one half of the empire (the Windsor born half) will be in Windsor this weekend.
for the Hometown Skateshop, the Skate Deli's grand opening!!!
so come out and have a good time on Sunday, or come in to hometown after this weekend, if you want some humble empire shirts!
cheers big ears.
outdoor art show
So the good news is i was accepted into the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibit, and will be showing off lots of new paintings as well as some drawings and maybe more.
check out my official artist page on the website
The show runs from July 10-12 so hopefully you will be able to come by and check out my stuff
see you then!
check out my official artist page on the website
The show runs from July 10-12 so hopefully you will be able to come by and check out my stuff
see you then!