award winning film makers

That's right you heard it hear first, Humble Empire has won its first award.
By the recommendation of Rob Carson who plays guitar and other things in Rock Plaza Central we submitted the video to the first Finger Lakes Film Festival and were lucky enough to actually win the best Music Video Award.
Sadly I was in Cuba during the award ceremony and was not able to attend but if i was there my acceptance speech would have went something like this.
Wow this is awesome, our first award. I'll start by thanking everyone who helped us actually make this video, anyone who helped us brainstorm the ideas or just listened to us try to figure out the video in our own heads. Thank you Jeff for all your help and with designing us the t.v. stand, sure we never used it but it was a great design. Thanks Rob for coming along to help move around the TVs, thank you Jen for pressing play and pause when we needed you to. Thanks for all the people who sold us their old t.v. sets. Thank you to my Uncle John who was so helpful on the days of shooting at his farm. Thanks to Jesse our producer who taught me a lot during the whole process but I know there is still a bunch more I'd like to learn from him. I hope I am not forgetting anyone, but I probably am. Thanks to Kyle of course for everything he did, I hope we can get another video going soon. Oh and thanks to my Mom for always supporting me even when she does not really know what I am doing.
Also I would really like to thank the band, thank you Rob for suggesting we submit the video and Chris and the rest of the band for trusting us to make it. Every couple months or so I sit back and rediscover how much I enjoy Rock Plaza Centrals music, the last time happened just the other day their music provided a perfect soundtrack for my bus ride through the streets and villages of Cuba. When I feel like a fan I realize how lucky I am that we got to make the official music videos for the band. So thanks for letting us make them.
Oh yea and I remember thinking when I was a kid that if I ever got to make an acceptance speech I would thank the primates for evolving into people, with out them none of this would be possible.
Kyle: what he said... only taller.
Labels: awards, rock plaza central, steel horse, thanks, winner
the smallest glands at birth

Good day humble maniacs, just thought I would share a little something with you all.
I have recently found a new musical addiction that has finally overtaken lil' wayne.
He is a singer song writer from sweden, his sound reminds me of dylans first album.
EDIT: "if we have to hear lil wayne again, there will be blood" -Kyle
.h.e. will be playing skate 2
The second iteration of EA's SKATE is being released on the 20th of this month, on the 8th, the demo will be released onto Xbox LIVE Marketplace. The empire will be waiting online, for that demo to drop.... and once dropped will commence virtual shredding.
One of the new features of skate 2 is the addition of user created graphics, EA released a flash based online graphics creater on their site. You could easily guess whats coming next... Humble Empire graphics for skate 2!!
Im not sure how they are implimenting them, wheter or not you use the site links to get other peoples created content... or if you can even use other persons content, but if you plan to have skate 2, and want to rock virtual h.e. shit, then here are the links to 2 Ive done thus far. (click the photo to visit the page on EA site)
One of the new features of skate 2 is the addition of user created graphics, EA released a flash based online graphics creater on their site. You could easily guess whats coming next... Humble Empire graphics for skate 2!!
Im not sure how they are implimenting them, wheter or not you use the site links to get other peoples created content... or if you can even use other persons content, but if you plan to have skate 2, and want to rock virtual h.e. shit, then here are the links to 2 Ive done thus far. (click the photo to visit the page on EA site)