

100 t-shirt party coming soon

The Humble Empire is currently in the process of organizing our first 100 t-shirt party, we are going to have it at a real venue not just our house like the last one. Plus we will have bands playing, some of ours and your favorites, ideally we will have all the bands we have made videos for play, but with schedules and what not it might not be possible.

Check back in the near future for the confirmed date venue and line up.



contacting family

Family Contact are some of the best video makers we know, this trio is pretty much the future of video and film art. I for sure see all of them making wicked stuff in the future, so start looking out for it now.

I even acted and brain stormed on one of the videos where i massage a topless babe, try to find it and it's worth watching the whole thing.

So if you have some time to kill watch some of their videos and tell us and or them what you think



h.e. is an Excellent Steel Horse

As you may or may not know, the empire recently created a visual accompaniment to the song "Excellent Steel Horse" by Toronto band Rock Plaza Central. That video has now been released online by spin.com! wonderful news for the empire and a great starting point for a great video. you can find the article here.

For those of you who are wondering if we are even a shirt company still... keep in mind that we have short attention spans and the sport of chinlone has landed in our hearts. Fear not, we still keep a large section of that organ for our shirts, and we are happy to announce a "100 shirt party!" stay tuned for more info, but expect bands, fun, shirts, and good times.

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