h.e. misses Dallas
Dallas has been in Windsor for about 2 weeks, but he is coming back to the big smoke tonight!!! which is good!! Mikey has a broken foot, we wish him a quick and powerful recovery, luckily it is snowing now, so the injury is a tad more tolerable, but still terrible.
<3 .humble.empire.
<3 .humble.empire.
h.e. makes snow angels
we definitly have a canvas larger than expected, and earlier than is welcomed. That's right! it has snowed, and the snow is still here, a day after... you know what that means? no more skating outside, at least, comfortably. It sucks, but at least the video game industry will see a spike in interest, and alcoholic beverage sales will go up... also santa comes soon, so that's good.
I put up a new message with the help of the best, Jen.
I put up a new message with the help of the best, Jen.
h.e. skates with Mikey
Mike Plantus, finally we have some footage of Mike Plantus... its hard to get footy of Mikey, because he just likes to skate, straight up... he also completely rips shit apart, so when you can get a camera on him... the munts come out!
this is up in the mess btw, along with so much more!!!! SO CHECK IT.
this is up in the mess btw, along with so much more!!!! SO CHECK IT.
h.e. holds door's for her, settles score's for her...
h.e. does what h.e. can.
Had a wonderful skate throughout the core of the smoke last night, with h.e. riders Jesse, Mikey, and Sizzle... in tow we're Tom Wilk, James Dennome, and Quick was out with his camera, tho im thinkin he is leanin towards snappin photos. He was on point with the point-n-shoot. We had the normal of nights in the dot... security, security, douch-bag security, nice security, dude with a walkie-talkie and a suit.
Surprisingly Mikey and Tom skated a set, which is normally a bust, for a good long time, until they were both tired of it. Mikey had some choice words, but he still walked away with a FS flip. Afterwards James tried his luck at Cloud Gardens, but his board would rather swim.
I think thats good for a pointless, yet not so pointless update. maybe a clip of this night soon?
The Empire.
Had a wonderful skate throughout the core of the smoke last night, with h.e. riders Jesse, Mikey, and Sizzle... in tow we're Tom Wilk, James Dennome, and Quick was out with his camera, tho im thinkin he is leanin towards snappin photos. He was on point with the point-n-shoot. We had the normal of nights in the dot... security, security, douch-bag security, nice security, dude with a walkie-talkie and a suit.
Surprisingly Mikey and Tom skated a set, which is normally a bust, for a good long time, until they were both tired of it. Mikey had some choice words, but he still walked away with a FS flip. Afterwards James tried his luck at Cloud Gardens, but his board would rather swim.
I think thats good for a pointless, yet not so pointless update. maybe a clip of this night soon?
The Empire.
h.e. knows so much about these things...
Today we have some new things for you... up in the mess, there are at least 1 photo for every rider on the skate team... and all but mikey has a video coinciding! There are also a couple of videos h.e. shot of bands, and the music video h.e. made for Rock Plaza Central.

So check that out today, I will be throwing more stuff in that mess as it comes to fruition. Soon you will be able to order shirts of the site (kinda) you have to do some emailing work... but it will be worth it, promises.
faux real.

Mike Plantus | Violence.vol04
So check that out today, I will be throwing more stuff in that mess as it comes to fruition. Soon you will be able to order shirts of the site (kinda) you have to do some emailing work... but it will be worth it, promises.
faux real.
just press 2 for a while...

So there is some great news in the h.e. world. first off in the skate munt Dallas is ripping it hard and picking up sponsers left and right, I heard he is getting awesome packages from Centre, mad congratulations to him, and much love for the support of h.e. that Dalls is throwing down. h.e. loves you.
h.e. news
We are about to embark on our second batch of shirts... if anyone would like to contribute ideas, madness, support, or anything else please contact us. We also have a new message up in... you guessed it, the message. remember to click on the image if its too small for you to read the chicken scratch writing!
more shirts and two birthdays!
more shirts are on the way this weekend... we still have a few left from the launch run, if you want to know more, or possibly get a shirt hit us up!
all the new shirts will be photographed and put up on this site, for you to see if you would maybe want one!!
HAPPY BORN! (tomorrow)
to Jen Murray, and Micheal Juneau. Mike will be partying tomorrow night at Sneaky Dees, or somewhere near....
all the new shirts will be photographed and put up on this site, for you to see if you would maybe want one!!
HAPPY BORN! (tomorrow)
to Jen Murray, and Micheal Juneau. Mike will be partying tomorrow night at Sneaky Dees, or somewhere near....