

h.e. can explain.

Many people have lives, what a crock of shit! we all have lives! I experience many times in a day human beings, who, not only care for how they look but also their own agenda... which is fine. Everyone should hold these qualities and should be finding ways to better these qualities. It's in this that the problem lies, everyone's intentions are always good for someone, when its bad for you its good for them, but there are choices that will seem hard for some... but the outcome will be good for everyone. If for some strange reason humans could shut off their routine and their drive for moments and attempt to see situations from the opposing perspective, you'll often learn that the reasoning is parallel... and we are all the blanket.

there is a new message.

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h.e. fixed it

As you may know(if you check this site), there was a problem with the current message. But I fixed it today, and I have news about the very first h.e. video! We will be shooting most likely in september, or possibly october, but it will feature all of the skateboarders, and hopefully many friends. If you buy a shirt after the video is done, you will get a copy of the video... free!!!


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h.e. is a mess and has a message.

We've added two more videos to the mess, from the wonderful band Chromeo! also there is a new message.

so stay tuned... and you'll be able to get some shirts.


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h.e. updated.

Yes! Rejoice!

Its Finally happening!! the site is beginning to take form... just added the message and the mess!!

The message is where we will be posting random drawings, and comics of the like... where as the mess... well the title pretty much sells itself, for now videos.... more garbage most likely tho!! and watch for the first installment of "h.e. skates" a series of skate montages featuring humble riders.


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h.e. loves DaysFade

Recently DaysFade (hardcore outfit from Windsor, Ontario), stayed with me for a couple of days, and played a show... it is always a wonderful time with these homies, and I cant wait till they come back again. Played a wonderful show. Nice tits... Bitch.

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h.e. is lost

h.e. is not quite sure what to do
h.e. is unable to do what he wants
h.e. can not sleep
h.e. can not keep food down
h.e. likes to stretch
h.e. needs something
h.e. does not know what
h.e. inhales
h.e. holds
h.e. exhales

h.e. is hoping that this turns into something but thinks that it probably wont